Fare Information

Metro taxi fare rates
Victorian taxi fares are now split into 3 separate rates which are: Day Rate (9am-5pm), Overnight Rate (5pm-9am) and Peak Rate (10pm-4am Friday & Saturday). Therefore, a trip between the exact 2 places using the exact same route can vary in cost.
A taxi fare can also comprise of several other charges known as Extras. These charges can include Tolls, Service Fees, Booking Fee, Airport Fee, etc.

Sydney Freeway / Highway Tolls
A taxi fare may also include a charge for the use of Toll Roads such as Citylink and/or Eastlink. This is a charge in addition to the Metered Fare. For information on the current Toll Road charges, please click on the following link: https://cpv.vic.gov.au/passengers/taxi-fares/unbooked-fares-melbourne
Surcharge For Use of Eftpos Facility
A service fee is applicable to all taxi fares paid using credit/debit cards and other non-cash payments. This fee is charged by the Eftpos payment provider and is not included in the Metered fare.For more information of Eftpos Service Fee, please click on the following link: https://cpv.vic.gov.au/passengers/taxi-fares/unbooked-fares-melbourne
Airport Fees
Other charges that are applicable in Melbourne Taxis can include an Airport Fee, Booking Fee, etc. For more information on what these charges are and when they may be applied, please click on the following link: https://cpv.vic.gov.au/passengers/taxi-fares/unbooked-fares-melbourne